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Phase II

Soil & Groundwater

Phase II sub surface Investigation: Connecticut, Westchester, Hudson Valley


If a Phase I ESA identifies potential contamination or known Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) such as spills, leaks, a facility that handles hazardous materials or a facility that does not contain proper records of waste, a Phase II ESA may be warranted. The Phase II ESA includes sampling and laboratory analysis to confirm the presence of hazardous materials.


Some of the testing that may be performed include:


  • surficial soil and water samples

  • subsurface soil borings

  • groundwater monitoring well installation, sampling, and analysis

  • drum sampling

  • sampling of dry wells, floor drains and catch basins

  • transformer/building materials testing for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

  • geophysical testing for buried tanks and/or drums

  • tightness testing of underground storage tanks

We would be happy to answer any questions and/or provide a free quote.



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