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Transfer Site

Our team is well versed in the assessment of, and will assist in the determination of whether a property is considered to be an "establishment" in Connecticut.  This is based on the definition of an establishment set forth by The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Transfer Act. 

We will help you determine if your property is considered an establishment.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) defines the following as an establishment:


Whenever an establishment is transferred, the parties involved in the transfer must comply with the property transfer law. You should carefully review the definitions in CGS Section 22a-134, particularly the definitions of "establishment" and "transfer of establishment," to accurately determine the applicability of the property transfer law to the subject transaction. A transfer generally refers to any change in ownership of the real property and/or business, which meets the definition of establishment.

Establishment means any real property at which or any business operation from which:

(A) on or after November 19, 1980, there was generated, except as the result of remediation of polluted soil, groundwater, or sediment, more than one hundred kilograms of hazardous waste in any one month;

(B) hazardous waste generated at a different location was recycled, reclaimed, reused, stored, handled, treated, transported, or disposed of;

(C) the process of dry cleaning was conducted on or after May 1, 1967;

(D) furniture stripping was conducted on or after May 1, 1967; or

(E) a vehicle body repair facility was located on or after May 1, 1967.

We would be happy to answer any questions and/or provide a free quote.



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